Personal data protection

In accordance with the applicable provisions on personal data protection, the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow, in order to ensure proper protection of personal data, provides the data subject with information related to the processing of his or her personal data specified in Art. 13 or 14 GDPR.

Considering the above, we inform as follows:

  1. The controller of your personal data is the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow with its registered office in Krakow at Świętego Tomasza 43 street, represented by the Rector.
  2. In matters related to the protection of personal data, please contact the Personal Data Inspector at the following e-mail address:
  3. Personal data will be processed in order to fulfill the legal obligations of the Academy of Music in Krakow, arising in particular from legal provisions on higher education and labor law.
  4. Personal data will be processed for the period necessary to fulfill the above purpose, taking into account the storage periods specified in separate regulations, including archival regulations.
  5. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1)(c) of the above mentioned Regulation.
  6. The data subject has the right to:
    - access his/her data and the possibility of correcting, rectifying, restriction of processing, as well as – in cases provided for by law – the right to erase data (the right to be forgotten) and the right to object to data processing,
    - lodge a complaint with the supervisory body if the processing of data violates the provisions of the above Regulation, i.e. with the the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, Stawki 2 street, 00-193 Warsaw,
  7. If the processing of personal data takes place on the basis of the person’s consent to the processing of personal data (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR), he/she has the right to withdraw this consent at any time. The withdrawal does not affect the compliance of the processing made on the basis of the consent before its withdrawal, pursuant to the applicable law.
  8. If the processing of personal data is based on the consent of the data subject, providing your personal data to the data Controller is voluntary. Providing your personal data is mandatory when the premise for the processing of personal data is a provision of law or an agreement concluded between the parties.
  9. Your personal data may be processed in an automated manner and will not be profiled.