Instrumental Studies

Dear Candidates,

The Instrumental Faculty at the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music is a place where your passion and personality will find great sources of inspiration and professional assistance.
The Faculty authorities make every effort to ensure that the process of education in the field of instrumental music is of the top quality. Following the principle of the master – pupil relationship, the artistic goals set for our Students are selected according to their individual abilities and interests.
The artistic development of the Students is supported by a highly qualified research and teaching staff: 32 full professors, 59 associate professors [PhD habil.] (including 21 professors of the Academy), 40 doctors [PhD] and 25 masters [MA].
At present, within this field, we offer 38 specialities in the bachelor’s degree programme and 40 specialities in the master’s degree programme.
I warmly encourage you to enrol on one of the courses at the Instrumental Faculty to study playing the instrument of your choice.

See you at our Academy of Music!

Mariusz Sielski PhD (habil), a Professor of KPAM
Dean of the Instrumental Faculty